I was blessed this past Friday to have attended a concert at my school. Our student group, EMBRACE, hosted Micah Bournes in a concert that shook me in a lot of good ways. Micah is a senior communications major at Moody, and I can't wait to see where God leads him after this year. He is a rap artist with incredible talent. He presented Christ in such an amazingly creative way. I have to admit it was almost embarrassing for me at times because of the emotion that stirred within. While most people were compelled to dance and sway their heads to the beat; I couldn't help but be lost in the lyrics and clothed in the truth as my eyes welled and leaked. But beyond embarrassment, the concert as a whole (entitled "Be Prepared") left me convicted yet refreshed. I was left hungry but confident, and unsatisfied but free.
You wouldn't think I'd need to be reminded that my Savior is coming again... But I did, and I do. So easily I get stuck in the midst of the day-to-day trials and seemingly ever-growing hurts of the people and world around me. So easily I get discouraged at the amount of things I can't promise or do for people I love. When the reality is Jesus made a promise that trumps all. A promise that should drive my every waking moment. He's coming back. We get to join in the hope of the day in which He'll arrive like a thief in the night to take us home. It makes me take people's salvation a little more seriously, makes me walk a little more courageously, fight a little more fervently, pray a little more unceasingly, dream a little more kingdom-mindedly, and love a little more unconditionally.

As for an answer to prayer, I FOUND A CHURCH! For four weeks now I've been attending a church in Little Village Neighborhood in Chicago called "Neuva Vida" (New Life). It has already been such a gift unto my life. The neighborhood is somewhat reminiscent of the Dominican Republic or Mexico, (which makes driving, parking, and eating an adventure for sure), and it proves the community mind-set of the southern countries true! They're family. The pastor radiates the joy of the Lord and his faith seems to trickle down through the church. Beyond seeking intimacy with God, they really understand community; something I am attracted to, encouraged by, and aspire to. The first week we (my friend Katie and I) attended, we witnessed two people being baptized. It was such a beautiful picture of celebration amongst brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm hoping to get a little more involved now, and for next semester, with the youth group, women's groups, clean-up projects, or kids ministry... for now, I'm just joyful to have found another place I belong.