There's nothing like an 11pm ice cream run to keep motivations and homework-doing-spirits high...

Somehow I'm found at the end of the semester; always taken by how quickly time passes. It's been a semester of growth beyond measure. I didn't necessarily plan to come here. (Well for a month I did - but that's not the way I usually do things). Which started the semester off with a new, unique tone.
I came in wide-eyed and eager; and those qualities are only being refined in me. I found myself so quickly welcomed to dream, ask, fight, learn, explore, and share life. For some of the first times, I could voice the dreams God's laying on my heart and be encouraged. The professors here don't melt down when I give them my financial plans. No more "Oh Sweetheart, that sounds nice... now let me help you conform your passions to an occupation where you can make a lot of money". Never once have I heard "...but you're so smart, you could go so far". Instead I get to be spoiled in an environment in which "how can I help you get there, or do that?" frequents conversation. Beyond the community that has poured into me, I'm learning to draw.
God is the author of my life, but I don't think he minds me supplementing His story with my pictures as He gives me crayons <(click that link to read an awesome blog entry from one of my favorite authors: Donald Miller). I've said "yes" to so many opportunities He's given me. Sometimes I felt as though I were being dragged along, and sometimes I was intentionally running - but regardless of the season He continued to open doors. I joined the volleyball team, and participated in their Spring training. I joined a student group called Acting On Aids (through which I got to meet Kay Warren!!!), and next fall I may be an executive member. I worked at a cafe in the city, which has left me with a couple new pen-pals and irreplaceable relationships. I began attending a Hispanic church, which I'll get to serve in next semester. I learned to love prayer; I've seen glimpses of it's power. I took on a project on Addis Ababa which fueled a new-found passion for Ethiopia as a whole. I've discovered the joy of encouraging my peers through words (written & spoken) and gifts. And I've shared music with a freedom beyond my silly nerves.
(I do realize my Bethany Dillon fettish may be on the verge of unhealthy, but seriously - it's a good song... click the link >) I don't know what's in store for this summer; I just trust it will be good. I don't even know where I'll be working for sure yet - but I know who provides. Though I've put up a fight; though I've kicked, screamed, and cried... Philippians 4:6 has finally been sown into my heart and woven throughout the pieces of life God has taught me to trust him with (aka everything).
"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done."
If only I could've learned and lived this 20 years ago.
It might be the end of a semester, but it's only the beginning of an adventure. One of: following God, maturing in faith, stretching in ways I couldn't have imagined or planned, seeking the Kingdom, loving my neighbor, praying unceasingly, living in integrity, deepening humility, learning obedience, growing in joy, sacrificing my sins, saying "YES!" to opportunities from my Creator, and soooo much more. I'm a walking mess; but I'm being taken from one degree of glory to another. And I'm stinkin' excited about that.