December 7, 2011

Romans Twelve

On June 30th, 2011 I wrote:

...Today at the home-visit I found myself wanting to judge and assess needs for myself instead of listening with a sensitive spirit of discernment.  Meran (a beautiful 22year-old Ethiopian woman, pictured below) was so patient and willing.  I thank God that He is breaking me of selfishness through these people.  I want to continue to learn to serve and see through a lens of forgiveness and mercy.  I want to give because I've been given to; love because I'm loved...

People aren't projects or formulas.  We are intricately woven, uniquely wired and continually being taken from one level of glory to the next.  This redefinition of my perception of people that began this summer has really become a posture of mine. 

Most people I encounter, mark me; they leave a stamp on my soul or take a piece of my heart.  But it's different when I don't feel responsible to fix them.  Suddenly that ache to 'make it better' melts into a practicing of weeping and rejoicing as those around me weep and rejoice - (and everything in between).  Freedom! 

Ethiopia continues to change and grow me.  Being an RA has been another one of the best and maturing experiences of my life.  I can't help but shake my head at the undeserved blessings I walk in daily.

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