I should first define some vocabulary that I'm about to use... A "sister" refers to anyone that lives on Houghton's (my dorm hall's) 4th floor, specifically on the North Side. A "brother" refers to anyone who lives on Culby's (the male's dorm) 4th floor. Anyway, random community building events happen multiple times throughout the week, and it's awesome. We study together, eat meals together, get off campus together, etc, etc. I thought I'd post some pictures from two of our "bro/sis" events!
Our brothers put on a Valentines Day dinner for us!
Jared was here for that weekend, so he got to participate. The guys really acted like gentlemen and made a delicious meal for us =).

The sisters hosted a Formal Open House.
At Moody, guys and girls aren't allowed in each other's dorm halls, except like 4 times a year. One of those times was last weekend when we planned a formal event for the guys to attend. Our theme was Red Carpet Movie Premier! We pretended as if the guys were all movie stars, and the girls played rolls like crazy fans, servers, reporters, paparazzi (my role), announcer, etc. We also made a film (in which we acted like the guys) to play for the premier. It was a really good time...
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