"...HE is a MIGHTY SAVIOR. HE will take delight in you with gladness. With HIS love HE will calm ALL your fears. HE will rejoice over you with joyful songs" -Zephaniah 3:17
You know, I think I'm going to name one of my children Zephaniah. (Standing against the fear that peers may call him "Phanny", lol). Seriously though... I want to always be reminded of the truths of this verse. AND that my child would literally wear it across their chest, warms me already.
Picture it with me now;
"HELLO my name is: The Lord's Delight, Comforted One, Rejoiced Upon. But you can call me Zephaniah.
In the midst of battling shames of any kind - HE WILL DELIGHT IN (ME) WITH GLADNESS.
In the midst of fighting lies from every direction - HE WILL CALM ALL (MY) FEARS.
In the midst of my every short-coming - HE WILL REJOICE OVER (ME).
And yes, that's really all I have to say for today.
funny thing is i totally added zephaniah to my list of names i like after reading the book this past summer :)