With a pomegranate-green tea on my right and a stack of un-graded papers strewn about the floor-space around my feet, I can't help but smile. Beautiful chaos. This week has been absolutely crazy. I've slept a little and laughed a lot.
"You're a whirlwind of unapolagetic stubborn confidence and unmistakable joy".
I am? I laugh, (again, I'm telling you I've laughed a lot).
I didn't see this coming; I didn't expect this from myself. Then, a still small voice reminds me that it's not from myself. *Insert sigh of agreement here*.
Each morning this week I slowly opened my eyes with the sound of my alarm, expecting to feel the weight of the invisible 2ton truck that used to hit me right about now. No, Nope, No, No, No... It never comes. It's been rerouted, unloaded or all together replaced. Hallelujah!
I can't begin to type the things I've completed this week because you'd all be intimidated and think I was boasting. Haha, subtly I think that sentance did the boasting for me anyway. And I'm not about to type a list of the things I've left to do this weekend & week, because I don't even want to go there right now.
Catching my breath and clearing my mind I'm found content. Somewhere between then and now, I've found peace, hope and joy beyond reason. With no good or rational answer, I look up to the sky and say "You're beautiful".
So much behind me, so much around me, so much in front of me and all in Love. Fear in one thing and one thing alone: the One who holds the stars and my heart, the same.
He created and creates; I too am creating
Romans 8:38-39
"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
you encourage me!! YA!!!