This week I sit purely immersed in the reality that I am - and have been - truly and deeply blessed. Far beyond my deserving I have received good gifts, both tangible and intangible, from a Father who knows, sees and attends to my every need.
Tuesday was my 22nd birthday. It was a day in which I took each stride with gratitude; unable to even comprehend the love and grace that I am constantly given. I felt extremely special and intentionally loved. I both laughed and cried with joy in the midst of precious moments with, and from, beloved people in my life.
In such celebration, I am reminded of just how intently people are watching me. I am challenged, once again, to live above reproach and walk along paths of righteousness. Being my own worst enemy, it is easy to dwell on the things that still need growth and change in me. Yet the words that flooded my ears and filled the pages my eyes crossed this week were of sincere encouragement.
The Lord seemed to pointedly use those around me to remind me of who I am becoming in Him; and that the becoming part is not only perfectly okay, but His very intention. The truth of 2 Corinthians 3:18 came alive to me once more. I see, more clearly, how far He has brought me and that He isn't yet finished.
I celebrate another year of life with eager anticipation of what's to come and a strong acknowledgement of where I have come from. At a junction in which I expected to feel fear, I am embracing a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline. I have learned the immensity to which I am dependant, and called to live in humility beyond humiliation or shame. I confidently walk into a new season; not because of who I am, but because of who He is and what He has done.