November 12, 2010


So at Moody, we have an acronym for pretty much everything. "DTR" stands for "define-the-relationship". It can be used in various contexts to reference a number of things. For example, when a guy has taken the initiative to look up your phone number in the school directory, and texted you multiple times a day since, and you're just not that interested... you perhaps meet him for lunch in the SDR (student-dining-room) for a DTR. Or, if a girl has been subtly dropping hints that she digs you, and you'd be overjoyed to have her as your girlfriend... it might be time to take her to coffee and DTR. Now that you have a clearer understanding of my chosen title, I'll move on.

Today at our school we had what's called a "Day One", which is more or less a tour day for prospective or incoming students. What was particularly unique about this specific tour day for me was that one year ago today, I was on the opposite side of the process; a prospective taking part in a "Day One". And though it seems like it's been much longer than a year, I still remember it pretty vividly.

After a year together, it only seems appropriate that I DTR ;) - and I thought I'd invite you in on this!

Dear MBI,
I would have to say that we've shared quite the year together and things are going pretty well. I commend you on being so very gentlemenly (you should know by now that I like to make up words) in paying for the majority of our time together. I also just want to thank you for accepting me, short-comings and all! I must admit that you've played a big role in shaping me this past year. You continually challenge me to be everything that I was created to be. You have challenged, grown, and stretched me in ways I couldn't have imagined. You've introduced me to some of your amazing friends (By The Hand ministry, Soul City Church, etc) and drawn me out into crazy places throughout Chicago!
I will confess that your requiring of me to sacrifice proximity to family, Jared, and friends has inevitably stirred doubts in me - I just wasn't sure we could work out. But I must say that I've found contentment in the balance and you've been quite the pleasant surprise!
Don't get too excited here, because I am in no way contemplating an actual relationship with you. (I've got a great guy already). I'm simply suggesting that we continue to be friends; granted it will most likely be long-distance after the Spring of 2012. Anyway, I guess I just wanted to say that you've been good and unlike anything I've met before. I consider myself blessed to have had this past year. I think we've got a good thing going! I hope you feel the same.


1 comment:

  1. super cute! love it & you.

    MBI + Ash = Praise GOD!
